Monday, May 24, 2010

Think Again show

So Friday May 22nd Anchors Up had a pretty sweet show I wanted to attend. Think Again, Stand By Me, Road Rage, Unrestrained, Stereo State, and Crucial Times. I really wanted to go so I asked my friend Andrew and he was good friends with the dudes from Stand By Me so I got him to go and bring me. We get there and Crucial Times had already played which was a bummer cause those dudes are cool. Stand By Me was playing and they ended with a Gorilla Biscuits cover which was unexpected, but cool. Next was Bastardswine because they got added when Stereo State dropped/couldn’t play. Bastardswine is cool though because they sound like Crossed Out and I like that. I wonder if their name is Bastard Swine or Bastard’s wine though. Anyway the next band after that was Road Rage who were fast and fun as usual. Then was Unrestrained. This band was really fucking good and the vocalist was crazy jumping all over the place but he had a lot of cool things to talk about in between songs. I guess this band was doing a bicycle tour so they rode bikes from Vermont to the show and used all money from merch or “gas” money to donate to help people in Haiti and other places which was really cool. Last was Think Again and man that band got so good since the first time I saw them. I’d also like to point out that there were a bunch of younger kids there and I loved it. It’s good to see new kids coming to shows supporting bands and these kids seem to always be at shows there no matter what.

So after the show we all talked outside about things and then Andrew and I headed to taco bell to meet up with Shaun, Dan, and the singer of Unrestrained. We all go there and order food (which was also hilarious since Shaun’s car got into somewhat of an argument with the lady at the window) and we eat and talk about a bunch of stuff. Then Andrew and I head out back to Western Mass and that was that. Fun times!

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